“To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.”
-Dean Kamen
Gracious Professionalism™
A core value of FIRST® is Gracious Professionalism™. Coined by FIRST® National Advisor Woodie Flowers, this term is used to describe the spirit in which teams should compete. It is basically treating teammates and others with respect and kindness, being patient, and acting with integrity. Being graciously professional is not just for the competition season, but is both a frame of mind and a code of conduct to be used throughout the entire year. Gracious Professionalism™ is a value which the Flying Platypi aim to display in our encounters with each other, other FIRST® teams, and members of our community.
Coopertition™ goes hand in hand with Gracious Professionalism™. The concept describes a spirit of cooperative competition, i.e.,that even during competition, different teams try their hardest to aid, learn, and work with each other. Coopertition™ also extends to individual team members and mentors in order to create an open learning environment. It reminds us that in order to compete at our best, we should be willing to cooperate.